HR strategy and its development

HR strategy and its development

To create an effective HR strategy, appropriate for one or another company it is necessary to make several steps. HR strategies of huge companies with different models of human resources assessment were used to define these steps.

Basic concepts of HR strategies

While forming of HR strategy chief managers of big and medium businesses usually pay attention to several important characteristics forgetting about other things. Some of them reorganize the structure of their companies and try to free management from bureaucratic procedures providing a space for entrepreneurial activities. This is a useful action; however, it is important to remember that educational and encouraging systems also need to be developed.

If a chief manager wants to have a company where clients and quality are valued, HR strategy of it should concern personnel reeducation, new approaches to personnel monitoring (time tracking), reconsideration of general structure of a company, including assessment systems. Salary and extra payments accounting in this case is rather complicated as most companies correlate wages with volume of sales. That is why it is important to improve existing payment scheme, otherwise there will be a serious contradiction of it with product quality. More effective system of salary and extra payments accounting is based on using of a time tracker. This tool calculates wages according to time worked by an employee. Time trackers are effective for full-time employees as well as for remote employees.

Who and how develops a project

Strategy development should be provided by the whole amount of HR specialists who are to form a set of objectives of this strategy. While creating of a new plan of work it is important to involve a higher management. This will give an opportunity to find a balance between strategists and specialists who put a strategy in practice and to reach highest results.

If HR strategy is created by stages by specialists of different divisions it is necessary to discuss it by all participants of the project and to use a time tracker in order to estimate effectiveness of each division. Sometimes lack of needed human resources can spoil the whole process of strategy implementation.

Development of HR strategy:

  1. First stage. First, it is necessary to define what personnel of a company do and what qualification they have. It is necessary to define main advantages of a company. It is important to know a plan of company development and how personnel help to fulfill objectives of a company.
  2. Second stage. Creating of a strategy. It is important to take into consideration all necessary aspects and to provide existence of all needed components for creating of a strategy. Analysis of work performance of personnel and HR specialists should be provided.
  3. Final stage. After implementing of a strategy it is important to monitor effectiveness of employees and HR department. Using of a time tracker can help to provide it and can play a significant role in strategy implementation.

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