
Labor management: new understanding of the notion

In order to improve and optimize business processes and get them going properly, specialists use a lot of time proved, popular and modern technologies. All of them are directed to labor management in the form of strategies, methods and principles. Besides, the...

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“Five whys” method to enlarge the efficiency of your enterprise

Many companies at certain periods of their development start suffering from discontent of customers concerning company services or product quality. Production planning in this case needs to be improved, appropriate business processes need to be optimized and powers of production should cope...

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Lean production: small steps to big results

Lean production is the system of simple actions aimed at optimization of business processes of a company, effectiveness improvement, lowering of expenses. Lean production technologies give really positive results and they are necessary for enterprises. This article describes these technologies and steps...

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Where to find resources for company growth

Companies which don’t grow have the risk to leave the market very fast. That’s why they need efficiency outperformance. Optimization of business processes in order to improve company effectiveness can be used. But how to find resources? Statistics shows that about 80%...

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Opportunity, rise and improvement concept
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