Personnel management system: how to build an ideal scheme

Very often methods of personnel management in organizations are spontaneous, working with employees doesn’t comply with unified principles and has an inappropriate structure. Criteria of results are not clear and responsibility for them is indistinct. Finally, chief manager decides to optimize business processes of personnel management and to implement the system of working with personnel. However, time necessary for chiefs to understand the importance of such a decision can vary significantly.

During the whole period of existing, companies try to take certain measures in order to improve personnel management system and to optimize business processes of this sphere. They create standards for managers in the form of instructions, rules, orders and guidelines and very often use oral explanations. And in a certain moment most companies start thinking of how to organize everything that has been done and that is going to be done. And many companies make a decision to optimize business processes of personnel management by means of implementation of a single system of work with personnel.

What personnel management includes

Personnel management includes personnel record keeping, development of documentation, adaptation of newcomers, motivation, training and other functions.

Personnel record keeping

Document workflow should respond requirements of national legislation and internal documents of a company. HR department implements functions of personnel record keeping. Optimization of business processes of HR departments can be provided by means of developing and implementation of regulations on personnel record keeping.

Organizational and functional structuring (development of documentation)

Basic documentation should be developed and approved in a company: structural scheme of a company, management structure, regulations on departments, job descriptions. All of them should have a standard form stated by your company.

The system of recruitment and adaptation

This is a complex of activities which allows finding new employees and to make the process of their adaptation in a company simpler to them. In order to provide effectiveness of this sphere of personnel management, it should be also regulated by special documents.

Assessment and attestation system

It is very important to provide a strong connection of assessment and attestation system with the system of training and development and also with the system of motivation. Without such a connection, the significance of activity assessment lowers and attestation becomes unnecessary formality. Rules of assessment and attestation should be written in regulations on assessment of personnel activity.

Personnel training system

This is a complex of activities aimed at defining of needs in training, its objectives, carrying out of certain educational programs and personnel work effectiveness assessment.

Personnel motivation system   

In order to get all business processes optimized, it is very important to motivate your personnel in appropriate way. Employees should be interested in their work. All kinds of motivation should be used in a company: material as well as non-material motivations both are very important for personnel.

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