Development of consumer goods industry: aims, measures and methods

Main objectives of consumer goods industry

The main aim of the development of consumer goods industry is satisfaction of effective demand of various groups of population and needs of a country on fast moving consumer goods and technical and industrial goods on the basis of creating of a modern, consistently functioning, effective and competitive sector of industry.

Achieving of this aim needs fulfilling of the following objectives:

  • Competitive growth of goods;
  • Cost reduction and development of labour productivity;
  • Creating of conditions for attraction of investments;
  • Development of cooperation with other countries and extension of international integration;
  • Enlarging of exports share of goods of a higher degree of processing;
  • Enlarging of the level of natural raw material processing.

Measures aimed at the development of consumer goods industry

To fulfill objectives stated above, a government should pay attention on:

  • Enlarging of investment attractiveness of enterprises of consumer goods industry. Not only pricing and shipment should attract foreign investors, but also the mechanisms of internal functioning of an enterprise. Company management should take care of a flexibility of system in order to adapt them to foreign standards, which can be reached by optimization of business processes in the sphere of marketing as well as in production processes themselves.
  • Technical re-equipment of the sector on the basis of implementation of investment projects including participation of foreign investors. Technical re-equipment of enterprises means optimization of business processes in order to adapt them to new conditions.
  • Active implementation of of progressive technologies into production, for example, business process optimizations connected with automation of a production.
  • Developing and using of new technological processes and materials providing reduction of consumption of materials and energy. Implementation of such technological processes is also accompanied with specialized optimization of business processes.
  • Further development of small entrepreneurship in consumer goods industry.
  • Saving and supporting of necessary mobilization capacities on consumer goods production.

All these measures are usually accompanied with various kinds of optimization of business processes in companies of consumer goods industry and implemented within the frames of the governmental policy aimed at transferring of all sectors of production to innovative base of development, stimulation of small entrepreneurship and providing of mobilization readiness.

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