CrocoTime: the time tracker with individual settings for time and attendance

Individual settings for time and attendance

To take into account lateness and recreation during a lunch time is impossible without configuring individual schedules. Most of the time trackers do not provide such settings, however CrocoTime offers a possibility to specify individual schedules and permissions.

Most of the time trackers allow only setting work days and do not give the ability to specify the lunch breaks. So innocuous social network surfing during lunchtime can have you fined. This can cause protests of staff and lead to loss of valuable human resources. CrocoTime time tracker allows a user to specify individual regulations of work. The user can create named work hours schedules and permissions to use different software applications and then assign work schedule to a single or multiple employees, reducing errors and confusion. The time tracker allows to set holidays, work leave, days off, compensatory time off, medical leave, etc. in a schedule. To automatically calculate fines for lateness and unproductive activity, CrocoTime automatic time tracker provides integration with SAP through the HTTP API, allowing a user to receive various information, including importing schedules to the time and attendance system.

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