Developing of rules and regulations: a correct algorithm of development

Usually management of most enterprises tries to develop rules and regulations for all business processes. However, such an approach doesn’t always work in practice. Making of rules and regulations is needed only for basic and the most important procedures and for processes employees have problems with. Each chief manager should be aware about weak points in business processes of his enterprise. And, first, it is important to provide business process optimization aimed at eliminating of these weak points.

Rules and regulations are needed when there is a necessity to describe cooperation of few divisions of an enterprise. Development of rules and regulations should be provided according to the following aspects:

  • Sequence of operations within the frames of a business process;
  • Participants of a business process;
  • Time limits of certain procedures in a business process;
  • Responsibilities of participants;
  • Principles of business process optimization.

Not very big companies usually don’t need rules and regulations for all their procedures. Only the most important systems should be described and regulated. In order to optimize business processes which are simple, it is possible to base on check lists. Optimal ways of cooperation within a team can be described in these check lists and roles of consultants and responsible employees can be mentioned there.

Developing of rules and regulations in an enterprise

Very often existing of rules and regulations in an enterprise which has its own production is necessary. This supposes the existence of at least three levels of regulations:

  1. Process rules and regulations;
  2. Rules and regulations for divisions;
  3. Personal rules and regulations for employees;

Process approach helps enterprises to provide continual improvement and optimization of business processes in order to be effective and competitive enough and not to lose their profitability.

Algorithm of rules and regulations development

  1. Defining of the subject of rules and regulations;
  2. Defining of responsible employees. A key employee should be responsible for developing of rules and regulations.
  3. Meeting. When developing rules and regulations for a process which concerns work of several divisions and departments, it is necessary to arrange a meeting for employees, where people responsible for a process can explain how to organize a process in a way it was the most effective.
  4. Process description. Description of a simple process can be done by one person who is responsible for it. More complicated processes are described by several people and each of them describes a part of a process he is responsible for. Besides, process description is the initial part of business process optimization, so knowing of the whole process can help to improve it easier.
  5. Discussing. The first variant of text of rules and regulations is sent to all the participants of a process and everybody discuss it and make necessary corrections if needed.
  6. Approving. Rules and regulations are corrected by responsible employees and approved by CEO.

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