Labor productivity development

Development of labor productivity is one of current problems of modern business. According to various researches, labor productivity is one of key sources of business profitability. What are the tools for productivity development?

Ways of labor productivity development can be divided into economic and management strategies. Economic instruments are aimed at production modernization, production process optimization, lowering of labor costs (working time) on one unit of production. Time tracking is one of the main tools for economic labor productivity development as it calculates time spent on different stages of business processes and production and business process optimization can be provided according to time tracker indexes.

Management instruments are aimed at improvement of the personnel involvement level, orientation of employees on effective and productive work. One of the key factors which impact on the personnel involvement level is using of time tracking systems and providing of working time monitoring.

Who needs stability?

There is a model of motivation which is based on two groups of factors: factors working on staff retention and factors affecting on involvement level.

First group of factors includes comfortable conditions of work (light, water, clean office, etc), workplace safety (especially at manufacturing facilities), wage rates, etc. These factors provide the sense of stability and safety of employees.

Factors affecting on personnel involvement level are opportunities of professional and career development, acquisition of skills and knowledge, etc. They create a kind of a drive to better results and effectiveness development.

These groups of factors have different affect on each level of personnel. Specialists and managers are usually motivated by the perspectives of better results. People on lower positions are more conscious about stability.

Fight against absenteeism

Thus, the next question should be taken into consideration: how to affect on personnel motivation within the frames of labor productivity development?

One of effective ways to get personnel motivated following the direction of labor productivity development is open using of time tracking systems. Besides giving of a full picture of employees’ working days for management, these applications can also become necessary assistants for employees themselves.

At first sight it may seem that software providing personnel monitoring can never become a helper for an employee. But, in fact, people who check their work productivity level by means of time trackers become aware of how much time they spent on certain tasks. This information helps employees to schedule their working days and to distribute their energy on working tasks fulfillment correctly. Appropriate time management makes employees work more effectively which gives them a chance to get more bonuses and motivates them to achieve better results at work.

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