Time tracker with alerts for managers

Alerts for managers

Key management of large companies has no possibility to control the entire staff. This task is delegated to heads of departments and offices. However, line managers often do not have the information about the situation on the ground.

Alerts of work discipline violations are provided by CrocoTime time tracker software to control the situation online. Democratic style of management in large companies allows employees to independently arrange work schedule during the day. However, there is always a disclaimer that this rule should not affect the efficiency of business processes. While the plans are carried out, the situation is close to perfect. But what if it got out of control? Deadlines are not met and subordinates blame each other. “-In CrocoTime time tracker we made it possible to set limits on the lateness time and unproductive activity”, says Alexander Bochkin. “- Every company can set a desired value so that within a few minutes a head of a department will receive an email notification”. Such control motivates the staff and heads of departments. Firstly, the rapid response to a violation allows a manager to influence the situation, when it is not aggravated and has not lead to consequences. Secondly, managers can monitor labor discipline even when on a business trip. Thus, time tracker becomes another tool in increasing the efficiency of business processes. This functionality is useful for assessing the competence of line managers. Top managers often have to hear that line managers have no control over dozens of subordinates because of frequent business trips, and because of the lack of monitoring tools. “- Email alerts address this issue, – says Alexander Bochkin, the founder of the time tracker CrocoTime, – Because when such solutions are provided by the time tracker, no such excuses will be left”. CrocoTime provides alerts for two types of violations: being late and improper activity, which can be configured. If no one in the company is ever late, it is sufficient to configure alerts on violations occurring during regular working time. If using the Internet for personal purposes during a break is also not recommended, the system can be configured to send email alerts. To learn about employees’ after working hours, the time tracker can be configured to alert on violations during overtime. Thanks to e-mail alerts it is possible to delegate to subordinate line managers and eliminate complaints of lack of monitoring tools. Rapid detection of violations allows you to engage in collective labor discipline and increase responsibility of department heads for their subordinates. Such measures allow understanding the objective load of departments and employees, without changing the style of management in the company and corporate requirements, Alerts let you identify subordinates, and working time reserves which can be used for the benefit of the company. “- Having realized the convenience of alerts on violations, employers will no longer be able to refuse such a reliable assistant in employees’ time and attendance”, – said Alexander Bochkin.

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