Tracking time in the vacation season: tune your team into the right mood for work

Tracking time in the vacation season

Summer vacation season is difficult time to tune into productive work: three summer months are known as “dead season” everywhere. For employees, this attitude is typical and understandable, it is strange when managers have the same attitude.

Not to repeat the mistakes of the majority, the creators of the automated time tracker CrocoTime decided to tap into the expertise of John von Achen (an expert in the field of marketing, management, sales, and personal growth).

“To understand your attitude towards success and how eager you are to achieve it, analyze your work during the summer months,” says John von Achen. He formulated the five reasons why you should work especially hard in summer:

Competition is lower in summer since it is a dead season for your competitors, too. Managers in summer are more agreeable for appointments. It is a mistake to believe that managers avoid making serious decisions in the holiday season. “What are top managers busy with during summer? – asks von Achen. -They begin planning for fall and winter seasons. This marathon starts from 2nd of September and ends only to 31st of December. During this season there is no time to think, it’s time to act. Summer is the perfect time to make informed and deliberate decisions”. In summer, less time is needed for decision-making: there is no need to obtain the consent of every manager as they go on vacations. Offer favorable terms to your customers. If your partners provide a discount, give a discount to your customers, too.

    As for increasing productivity in summer, the expert has a few tips there, many of them are directly related to time tracking:
  1. Keep your time under control and remember to keep records of your employees ‘ working time.
  2. If you have employees who are not success-oriented, do not hold on to them. Apparently they don’t really want to work in your company. Don’t forget about motivation! When an employee works less than expected, but gets the same salary as the rest, he steals from two colleagues, who work more. A useful rule of three mistakes: there is no result during 1 month – you found a problem with an employee, no result for the second month and you can make a final warning and on 3rd month an employee is to be dismissed.
  3. You need to properly motivate staff from the beginning. With the right approach and using a time tracker even a person with a modest resume can be brought up to significant results.
  4. Use new technologies for time and attendance and time tracking.

The CrocoTime time tracker’s team agrees with the marketing guru, so much so that our time tracker will suit many of the recommendations.

To evaluate staff performance objectively, use the automated time tracker which will demonstrate how much time was spent on the actual work, and how much was spent on personal needs and distractions.

The time tracker of CrocoTime is suitable to track your own time, too. It is very useful for managers who want to find out say how much time is spent on reading emails? How long does it take to view the latest news and professional sites? This time goes so imperceptibly that we often do not even notice.

    CrocoTime maintains detailed records of working time and allows you to:
  • Collect statistics by employee, department, and company as a whole.
  • See the amount of productive and non-productive work time.
  • Find out what sites absorb most of the time.
  • Control absenteeism, tardiness and early departures from work.
  • Receive email notifications on schedule violations, etc.

The time tracker of CrocoTime is intended for working time analysis in large and medium organizations, while being useful and affordable for smaller companies and individuals.

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