Career deadlock: how not to lose a valuable employee?

Career deadlock how not to lose a valuable employee

Very often employees, who have a constant job position, a good salary and a good experience, start making serious mistakes at work. And it is not connected with their private life or health. The reason of these faults is the fact that they are in a career deadlock. They don’t see any prospective in their career, they got used to everyday routine. They even don’t feel guilty when they derail meetings, mix up documents or have the lowest time tracker indexes. They are indifferent.

The condition of being in a career deadlock differs from professional burnout. The thing is that an employee doesn’t want any changes and he feels good at his position.

Zone of risk

Each employee can be in a career deadlock. But there is a category of employees who can get there fester than others. A manager should pay much attention to this group of employees. According to statistics and personal observations, it will be important to say, that those employees whose salaries depend directly on their work performance can get in a career deadlock faster than others. The most vivid example is sales managers. The next group of employees who can have a career crisis is creative professionals and so-called theorists. They work on their ideas which can run out. One more category is IT-specialists. Careers of IT-specialists start early. That is why when you are 35 you can turn out to be overboard. It doesn’t mean that you can lose your work, but you can lose an interest to it as there is no any career prospective or opportunities of professional growth.

Dangerous employees

Taking into consideration the fact that a significant part of employees of a company can be in a career deadlock, this can influence on the whole company.

It is not difficult to detect a career deadlock:

  1. An employee doesn’t try to fulfill difficult tasks but spends a lot of time on small details. According to time tracker monitoring, such employees spend more time on improvement of already finished tasks but don’t start new ones.
  2. Constant criticizing of customers. It is essential for those who have a career crisis.
  3. Customer flow reduces, and, consequently, wage of an employee reduces as well. But it doesn’t bother an employee.
  4. Time tracker reports show deplorable results. Effectiveness of work lowers and a time tracker records more facts of distractions.
  5. An employee becomes a vocal opponent of any changes in a company. Very often such employees ignore new beginnings and explain it by their future undoubted fail.
  6. Some employees try to make their routine more interesting and create unusual approaches to common tasks. Actually, this is a violation of rules set in a company and it can have a negative effect for business.
  7. Very often employees who are in a career deadlock provoke management to dismiss them. They can ignore work tasks or perform dreadful results in a time tracker But the main objective of management in this situation is to understand real reasons of such provocations and to help an employee to get out of a career crisis.

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