Secrets of enterprise effectiveness

In order to enlarge productivity of a company performance special complex activities, such as business process optimization, for example, directed to work effectiveness improvement are developed. But what aspects are worth paying attention primarily? Let us figure it out.

Indexes of production activity effectiveness

Ways of company effectiveness improvement is a complex system of activities connected with improving of work productivity in various spheres of company functioning. There are a number of indexes characterizing the level of production activity effectiveness. They are: profitability, liquidity, workforce productivity, labor intensity, output ratio, usage of resources, capital intensity, etc. Competitiveness of a company is also one of the most important indexes of production activity effectiveness. Most companies have special employees who are responsible for business process optimization. They are constantly following all current indexes of a company and can offer appropriate actions in order to make company work more effective.

Progress in science and technology

Progress in science and technology is also one of key factors of production effectiveness. Creating of new technologies, developing of high-tech equipment and new generates of equipment provide improvement of production effectiveness. First of all, this factor improves labor productivity. Then, it cuts costs of production. And, finally, it improves workplace management standardization and strengthens the order and discipline. However, it would be sensible to notice that the process of production automation is complicated process very often requiring business process optimization and description.

Economic and administrative factors

Organizational and economic aspects are also important in improving of production activity effectiveness. Their significance is growing together with industrial scales growth and with complication of economic connections. This aspect is needed for further development and improving of production and social infrastructure which, in its turn, has its influence on production effectiveness level. Very often this sphere also requires business process optimization. This is necessary for improving of forms and methods of management, planning and financial stimulating of economic mechanism in general.


As it was stated above, competitiveness of a company and its products has one of the most important factors of production effectiveness. Sometimes a company cannot be competitive due to several reasons. One of them is non-optimal approaches to business processes. That is why modern enterprises and big companies are conscious about the necessity of business process optimization which should be provided from time to time according to the scales of business.


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