
How to choose a time tracker which is right for you

If you are tired of paying for the hours your employees spend on Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, and other social networks and entertainment sites, then It is time to take control in your hands with the help of a time tracker. This article includes...

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Time tracking and employee monitoring with CrocoTime

Improving personal productivity in 7 steps

Many books and articles have been devoted to the monitoring of the staff. No less is written about time management and its necessity. But does a manager show to the staff the value of time, so that they will appreciate it? These...

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Improving personal productivity in 7 steps

Time tracker with alerts for managers

Key management of large companies has no possibility to control the entire staff. This task is delegated to heads of departments and offices. However, line managers often do not have the information about the situation on the ground. Alerts of work discipline...

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Alerts for managers

Reveal idlers in your office with the time tracker

Idlers often show the wonders of ingenuity, mimicking frenzied activities and evading control of their supervisor. Some remain undetected for years and successfully advance the career ladder, skillfully throwing dust in the eyes of the management. How to identify and denounce such...

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Employee monitoring software helps to find idlers in your office.

Time tracker, motivation, and productivity

Experience has shown that the time tracker not only counts productive and unproductive hours, but also motivates personnel to work more effectively. Old time control methods do not have the same effect. Until recently (and still true in some companies) timesheet was...

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Motivation and productivity
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